Archive for the ‘Perth’ Category

Covid-19 and cruising


Dr Stanley Khoo, TMA member
Travel Medicine Centre Perth

The fresh sea air, the relaxing motion of the ocean, the high staff to passenger ratio, these are some of the many factors that have attracted people to cruise travel. Some destinations such as the Arctic and the Antarctic can only be accessible by boat, and sometimes a cruise ship with its remarkable facilities is the destination itself; a miniature city of restaurants, cinemas, concerts, casinos, night clubs and swimming pools, with a plethora of entertainment opportunities and unlimited food and drink.

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Silfra Diving in Iceland

In June 2016, I went on a trip to Iceland.  The overwhelming highlight of the trip was having the opportunity to dry-suit dive at Silfra. Before visiting Iceland an intrepid friend of mine had told me of her adventure fresh-water diving between 2 tectonic plates in Iceland.

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Scabies and Rabies


Scabies and Rabies: A personal journey in Morocco


She bared her teeth and raced furiously towards me, slobber dripping from her mouth while my wife and I stood statue-still, trying not to look like victims. What are you meant to do in this situation? Turn around? Make a noise? Run? Stand still? Despite my best efforts to not look like a threat, the dog continued to run towards me.

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