Call Your Closest Clinic, Australia-Wide
Call Your Closest Clinic, Australia-Wide

The Kokoda Track

The Kokoda Track Ann-Maree Smith ( traveller/ patient of the Maitland Clinic ) When an email crossed my desktop early in 2014 and my 37-year-old nephew came on board, it was on. With four months left to departure, we made good use of training in local forests and national parks. Steep hills became loved, like […]

Kayaking in Remote Solomons 
- Morovo Lagoon

Prepared by TMA Member Maitland Public Health Physicians also need travel health advice. Another satisfied (and healthy) Chromis customer. And the beautiful fish is our symbol. Check our website for more information on us and our services. As we set out that first day, my daughter was convinced we were in a travel commercial. Under blue skies we paddled through clear warm tropical waters […]

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)

… Prepared by TMA Member Maitland: Dr Puru Sagar Chromis A survey among travelers departing from Cuzco International airport in Peru showed that almost half of all travelers (48.5%) interviewed reported symptoms of altitude sickness, and 17% had severe AMS. One in five travelers with AMS was forced to alter their travel plans. Three people […]

Japan and Your Medications

… Prepared by TMA Member Maitland NSW:Dr Puru Sagar Chromis Sept 2012 It is generally well known that you can’t take certain medications into Middle Eastern countries but did you know that there are restrictions on medications imported into Japan, even for personal use? It is illegal to bring into Japan some over-the-counter medications including […]