Meningococcal Disease
Dr Jon Barrell The Travel Medicine consultation can save lives at home and abroad. It is the ideal opportunity to discuss the vaccines to reduce the risk of Meningitis, Pneumonia, and Shingles (that very painful rash caused by the Chicken Pox virus). Since mid-2015, a new Meningococcal Vaccine has been recommended by the Australian Government to […]
Meningococcal B vaccine
Dr Julie Burke – Yeppoon BEXSERO , the first broadly effective Meningococcal B vaccine is indicated for immunisation of infants (from 2 months of age), toddlers, children, adolescents and adults against Meningococcal serogroup B (MenB) disease. It’s availability to travellers will be particularly useful for infants and exchange students, students studying overseas especially in residential colleges, people […]