Babies, Bali and “I Do”
Dr Julie Burke TMA Yeppoon Destination weddings in Bali for Australians are extremely popular. Young Aussie couples with their love of the great out doors, beach and sand can easily access the many wedding planners and resorts specializing in magical and seemingly less costly venues for tying the knot. More often these couples already have their […]
Yellow Fever; To Boost or Not to boost…That is the question!
David Rutherford – TMA member Fremantle Yellow Fever remains as relevant to travellers today as it was back in the 1700’s when it was first described. The history of the illness is fascinating.
Permethrin – a secret weapon against mosquitoes
Permethrin is a special insecticide that enables clothing to kill or repel mosquitoes Wearing treated items will significantly decrease the number of bites you get. Treated bed nets have been shown to be four times more effective than untreated nets. When you wear treated clothes, you still need to use repellent on exposed skin. You […]
Mosquito Avoidance
Dr Deb Mills Moisture, warmth, carbon dioxide and odour all attract ‘mozzies’, and some unlucky people seem to be genetically more delicious to mosquitoes. Cover up – long sleeved, light coloured clothes Try and avoid being outside when they are biting. If you are outside between dusk and dawn, wear treated, long sleeved shirts, long […]
Safety of DEET (N,N,-diethyl-m-toluamide)
Insect repellents containing DEET are the most effective and the most commonly used world wide. DEET has been available commercially for over 50 years and has been studied extensively. It is thought that DEET works by interfering with the mosquito antennae function, effectively making humans invisible to the mosquito. Generally, the duration of protection is […]